Tuesday, April 1, 2008

9. Jesus before Pilate

When Pilate washes his hands and says ‘I am innocent’, he is really saying that he believes that he has done all he can to save Jesus and that there is nothing more he can do …

When we are faced with issues like global warming, buying fair trade, making poverty history or campaigning against human trafficking, we too can easily become like Pilate and wash our hands and say I’ve done all I can, there’s nothing more I can do …

The difference between Jesus and Pilate, is while Pilate washes his hands, Jesus washes his disciples feet … who are we more like? Do we give up and say we’ve done all we can? Or do we get down on our knees, and get stuck into making the world a cleaner and fairer place. Around the board are some examples of people (martin luther king, helen prejean, steve chalke, philip lawerence, ruth hulser) who have not given up and have made a difference.

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